From: "Eric R. Weaver" <erix@t...>
Date: Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:54 am
Subject: Fwd: Fw: 22nd Street Park

Hi Claire,
Thanks so much for meeting with me for lunch again this week. I've run into more that can help with making USF a central force in patent development. Maybe even involve the City of Tampa with land development and water use research grants.

I think my MBA research into the Universities Patent Process will open a great many new doors for collaboration and development within this community. I was recently contacted by the Special Assistant to the President at Humboldt State University CA. She worked with technology transfer for NASA for the past ten years and now is developing a new program for doing this at the small university. She's sending me a lot of information. It seems like a lot of things are coming together very quickly to help us.

Last night I was invited to a community meeting with Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio. They are petitioning the City about building a park in the field behind my house. Attached below is an email to the sponsoring community athletics program for the children in my neighborhood. I've talked to the City before about this property when the school board wanted to donate portable classrooms to STARS for the Boy Scouts to fix the computers donated from USF. At this time I ran a computer model for the drainage to investigate site construction options which were out of range for their budget.

Mayor Iorio met with me about STARS, in the 1980's while she was the County Commissioner. She was very supportive and interested in our work. (I think we were Rent-a-Student at the time). Now I have patent pending on a number of products that might be transferred to USF, Tampa & STARS in order to develop this property as a new community service center.

Sorry about the short notice, please come meet Mayor Iorio Tuesday February 17th at 6pm at Eddie Lopez field here: ("TARC" is building next door.)

Maybe a community meeting pulling together like minds from Tampa and USF; President Judy Genshaft, Provost Renu Khator, Vice-President for Research, Dr. Ian Phillips, Executive Vice President Carl Carlucci and the Patents & Licensing Director Valerie McDevitt can help pull these projects together? We can talk about developing this land as a research venture utilizing this patent:

Please contact me at your earliest convenience. If we can not meet Tuesday; we can make plans to meet in the near future.

Eric R. Weaver
2008 E Patterson St

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 1:19 PM
Subject: 22nd Street Park

Hey Joe,
I mentioned to you that I had checked some options for moving this ditch to add ball fields to this site. Please see the attached GIF. We could just as easily add a football field. The school board was donating some portables to STARS so we were trying to see about locating them on this site for Boy Scouts.

The Wetland restoration area is also all city property. This might be a better place for them to move the nursery to, since currently they are not maintaining that property at all. We can likely get USF to help with the design and development of a park site. USF is currently investigating more community cooperation methods.

I'm in school now working on an MBA and could easily investigate some research options for land development grants which we might be able to use with the City, STARS and USF.

See you Tuesday. Thanks for the invite to your petition drive for using the parcel for our children

Eric R. Weaver
2008 E Patterson St
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