FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE STARS USA INC PROGRESS REPORTSeptember 16, 1997Wednesday, August 20, 1997 I met with the Principal Luis at Lewis Elementary. I cleaned out Portable No. 1 to make space for the PTA to use it with STARS USA Inc. The conditions for our further use were defined as follows:
Wednesday, August 27, 1997, the Marshall Center Donated 54 additional pieces of equipment to this effort, which are now also stored at Lewis Elementary. Including:
Thursday, August 28, 1997, I met with the president of the Management Information Society. He was very interested in the projects STARS was developing. I asked if I could schedule a meeting with his officers, and we plan to soon. Tuesday, September 2, 1997, Dr. Rundus indicated that developing some presentation boards for children in the Lewis & ERCCD computer labs to look at for direction of system use maybe possible as one of the required projects in his Human/Computer Interaction class. He said it may be applicable to the teaching and training element in his class. Dr. Casertano at ERCCD welcomed this as a needed benefit; many of his teachers may also use. Dr. Casertano recommended we meet with the faculty to discuss the focus of this project as well as their evaluations of it. Wednesday, September 10, 1997 I met with Joe Fisher, Coordinator Volunteer Services, Dr. Drema Howard & Michael Tooke, the Director & Assistant Director of the Career Center. We agreed to help each other by linking our associated services across the web. We hope to provide students with coherent direction to jobs, internships, volunteer work and service learning opportunities. Dr. Howard has already begun compiling university department profiles on internships and will forward all volunteer information to Mr. Fisher. Mr. Fisher has compiled a database on civic volunteer opportunities and will make it available on the web shortly under the Phyllis P. Marshall Center web site: volunteer/. He will also provide a link to STARS. September 16, 1997 I delivered a section of the STARS project folders detailed and compiled by members for civic volunteer opportunities. Dr. Howard is still in need of students to develop web components, and will add Service Learning STARS Projects and USF Volunteer Services as soon as possible. STARS activities seem to over lap between these two programs, and the idea of providing a uniform listing and direction to opportunities is universally accepted and understood as a dire necessity. STARS Web developments will keep this in mind, and will continue to seek specific direction and support for everyone's efforts. A new additional STARS Project, I propose to the faculty receiving this, would be to build a database entry component. Mr. Fisher's USF Volunteer Services database is very functional and usable. We need to build a similar standard system to allow outside users to present new opportunities. Provide it with an initial check box so the information can be emailed to USF Volunteer Services, the Career Center or to Service Learning STARS Projects. Then each of us could have a new way to expand our systems and provide assistance in directing new opportunities to each other. Interest and recommendations on this new project will be welcomed.
Rafael Rivera :) (813) 276-8302 Recipient Information: Recipient Information: Reply Information:
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