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The Center sustains: A Commitment to Excellence in the Schools of Tomorrow

Working with teachers, school administrators and the business community, the Center will invest its resources toward the invention of schools of tomorrow which possess the level of excellence to which every committed educator and thoughtful citizen already aspires.

If our community and our nation are to keep pace with a competitive and increasingly technological world society, the schools of tomorrow must be substantially different from the schools of today. The need for excellence in education has never been greater, and the time has never been more right for responsible leadership toward providing schools for our children which will enable them to fully utilize their minds and talents.

Comprehensive national educational reform may be slow in coming. Political forces, social pressures and entrenched attitudes and expectations may impede the timely inauguration of the reconstructive changes necessary if we are to refocus our education policies, priorities and practices. Consequently, we believe that effective educational reform must begin at the local level, and that successful efforts will require the collaboration of the school districts, the business community, and the universities.

The Academy for Excellence in Teaching
Description The summer program was designed to promote personal and professional growth and classroom leadership with emphasis on interpersonal communication skills and strategies in-group dynamics.
The Suncoast Alliance for School Improvemnet (SASI)
The Suncoast Alliance for School Improvement is conceived as an organization that can bring together the resources of the schools, the university, the business and legislative communities to find new "right things to do" to assure that America will once again lead the world in the quality of education and the quality of life of our people.
Technology Resource Unit
Develop and provide state-of-the-art technology-based learning materials for teachers.
Model Educational Programs
The Center will seek to establish university-related professional development schools which will model the best in educational practice, and will serve as research and development centers for the restructuring of schools.